Cornelius (Neal) Ernest Fonger
Cornelius E. Fonger was born on July 21st, 1892. His proud parents were John & Lillian Fonger. Cornelius went to school in Cedar Springs before moving with his family to Ivanrest St. in Grandville, Michigan. He was very active in the community and was known to be an expert athlete and a shining star on the church basketball team. Cornelius decided to join the Navy in June of 1917 and left with the third contingent of naval militia headed to France to join in World War One. In January of 1918, Cornelius underwent an operation, and due to the operation, developed bronchial pneumonia and spinal meningitis resulting in his death. His brother, Roy, was with Cornelius when he passed away and wired to his parents that “Neal died nobly”. Cornelius E. Fonger was laid to rest at Grandville Cemetery upon his return home.