Membership is open to men & women who have served federal active duty in the United States Armed Forces since December 7, 1941, and have been honorably discharged or are still serving. Please provide a valid DD214 form (or similar) as it is needed to verify eligibility. For more information about membership please contact the post at 616-453-9861 and ask to speak with the Adjutant.
The Sons of The Amerian Legion (SAL) is comprised of male decendants, adopted sons, and step sons of the American Legion members. Post 179 has a very active SAL squadron involved in many activities within the community. For more information about membership please contact the post at 616-453-9861 and ask to speak with the Sons Adjutant.
The American Legion Auxiliary is open to mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, grand-daughters, or grandmothers of memebers of Ther American Legion, or of deceased veterans who served in the United States Armed Forces during membership eligibiltiy dates. For more information about membership please contact the post at 616-453-9861 and ask to speak with the Auxiliary membership chair.
Membersip in the Legion riders is open to members of the Legion, Auxiliary, or S.A.L, in good standing. Members must own a motorcycle and must maintain an active membership within The American Legion family.
Some members may qualify to be members in multiple entities based on eligibility criteria.